List of Army Wives episodes

The following is a list of episodes of Army Wives, a Lifetime original drama series that premiered on June 3, 2007. The first episode of Army Wives, follows the life, dreams and friendships of a group of army wives. Season 2 (19 episodes) started on June 8, 2008; Season 3 (18 episodes) on June 7, 2009; Season 4 (18 episodes) on April 11, 2010; Season 5 (13 episodes) on March 6, 2011.


Season 1: (2007)

Title Directed by Written by Original Airdate Episode
"A Tribe is Born" Katherine Fugate Ben Younger June 3, 2007 1
After only a four day courtship, Roxy impetuously decides to marry Pfc. Trevor LeBlanc and moves with her two kids to his Army post. Floundering in her new life as an Army wife, she takes a job bartending at a local joint known for being a Jody bar (where civilian men go to hit on enlisted men's wives). While on the post, Roxy meets Claudia Joy Holden, who believes that her husband Col. Michael Holden's promotion didn't come through because of base politics. Another Army wife, Pamela Moran, is heavily pregnant with twins - she's secretly acting as a surrogate to get her family out of debt. Meanwhile, psychiatrist Roland Burton is trying to reconnect with his wife, Lt. Col. Joan Burton, who has just returned from Afghanistan. Then there's Denise Sherwood, who is dealing with her son Jeremy's anger-management issues as her strict husband, Maj. Frank Sherwood, is about to be deployed. The unlikely group bonds when Pamela unexpectedly goes into labor at Claudia Joy's wives' tea party. Not wanting everyone to know her family's dire financial situation, Pamela relies on these new friends to keep her surrogacy from being exposed.
"After Birth" Katherine Fugate Ben Younger June 10, 2007 2
When she arrives at the hospital, Pamela learns that the couple who paid her to be a surrogate are out of town and can't pick up the twins right away; Claudia Joy offers to house the newborns to protect Pamela's secret. Meanwhile, Trevor's upcoming deployment to Iraq prompts him to make a surprise offer to adopt Roxy's kids. On another front, Denise's abusive son, Jeremy, is still out of control, and she needs help protecting herself. Roxy comes to the rescue. Attempting to rekindle the romance with Joan, Roland plans an intimate dinner, but it's ruined by her heavy drinking and harsh accusations. Pamela leans on her husband for comfort when she says goodbye to the babies she carried.
"The Art of Separation" TBA Ben Younger June 17, 2007 3
Claudia Joy's daughter Amanda gets arrested at a war protest. And Claudia Joy isn't the only mom with problems: Denise has a showdown with Jeremy and lies about his West Point plans to her husband. Joan checks in on one of her men who's suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and Roland hears about a soldier having recurring nightmares about his commanding officer, which turns out to be Joan. Pamela and Chase try to reconnect, but the surrogacy continues to cause challenges. Meanwhile, Roxy's ex wreaks havoc for Trevor's plans to adopt T.J., but a happy ending is in sight. At a get-together at Claudia Joy's, the group learns that Denise's husband's helicopter crashed in Iraq. No one knows if he survived.
"One of Our Own" Katherine Fugate Ben Younger June 24, 2007 4
In shock over her husband's copter crash, Denise desperately wants to go to Frank, and only Claudia Joy can persuade her that it's best to stay home. Unfortunately, the trauma strains Denise's relationship with Jeremy even more. Roxy signs the adoption papers, officially marking Trevor the adoptive father of her children. Meanwhile, a mentally unstable soldier takes Roland and Claudia Joy hostage at the hospital and demands to speak to his superior officer: Joan, whose darkest secrets about her tour in Afghanistan are exposed to her husband.
"Independence Day" Katherine Fugate Ben Younger July 1, 2007 5
Roxy learns that Marilyn, Fort Marshall's biggest gossip, is having an affair, but promises to keep Marilyn's secret. At Claudia Joy's annual Independence Day picnic, Pamela is devastated when Chase is suddenly called away on a Delta Force mission. Roland champions Joan by asking Colonel Holden to consider her 20 years of service, but Joan is torn between retiring from the Army or facing a possible court-martial.
"Who We Are" Katherine Fugate Ben Younger July 8, 2007 6
Denise gets a welcome surprise. Claudia Joy and Michael become concerned when they learn of their daughter Amanda's relationship with Jeremy. While playing with the boys, Trevor injures himself which puts his deployment on hold. Roxy's mother Marda pays the family an unexpected visit.
"Hail and Farewell" Katherine Fugate Ben Younger July 15, 2007 7
After a childhood filled with broken promises, Roxy has a hard time trusting that her mother, Marda, is sober. To surprise her daughter, Marda enlists Pamela to help plan a birthday party for Roxy. Jeremy decides to enlist in the Army and seeks comfort from Amanda. However, Michael and Claudia Joy try to defuse the romance between them by revealing details of Jeremy's past behavior to Amanda. Meanwhile, Denise is distraught about Jeremy's decision to enlist.
"Only The Lonely" Katherine Fugate Ben Younger July 22, 2007 8
Infatuated with Jeremy, Amanda is upset when her parents, Michael and Claudia Joy, tell her they want her to go on a family vacation to Montana. Frustrated, Amanda reaches out to Denise, Jeremy's mother, for comfort. After 18 years out of the work force, Denise decides to pursue nursing at the post hospital. While Chase is deployed, Pamela has an unexpected reunion with Scott, a friend from her past. Roland finds himself in bed with a reporter who is only in town for 48 hours. And Roxy befriends a recently widowed single mother, Delores, who cannot accept that she needs to leave the post as a result of her husband's death.
"Nobody's Perfect" Katherine Fugate Ben Younger July 29, 2007 9
Joan returns to the army base and surprises Roland with her new found attitude. Roland begins to remorse over his affair with the magazine reporter. Denise argues with Frank over her returning to nursing school. Frank wants Denise to be a stay at home wife, while Denise thinks otherwise. Eventually, Denise misses Major Weatherford's party much to Frank's dismay. While at Major Weatherford's party, Claudia Joy overhears Lenore Baker and her husband having a dispute about their marriage. When Lenore realizes that Claudia Joy has overheard her dispute with her husband, she begins to start rumors about Claudia Joy.
"Dirty Laundry" Katherine Fugate Ben Younger August 5, 2007 10
Claudia Joy's old friend, Hannah White, returns to the post to attend a memorial for fallen soldiers and her husband is one of the soldiers being honored. Controversy begins to ensue when Hannah White finds out that her husband was killed by friendly fire and in a different country than first told. Hannah White decides to take the case to the U.S. Supreme Court which causes trouble for Claudia Joy and Michael. Michael decides that Hannah must leave their house since he is now Commander of the post, since General Baker is in the hospital, and it does not look well to have someone who is against the army staying with the Commander of a post. The case also starts problems with the other army wives. Pamela and Denise disagree with what Hannah is doing, and when Roxy tries to stop them from arguing, Pamela makes Roxy take a side.
"Truth and Consequences" Katherine Fugate Ben Younger August 12, 2007 11
General Grayson and his wife visit the post and Lenore takes the chance to sabotage Claudia Joy even more. The rumors get so bad that Amanda has to even ask Claudia Joy if Michael is her real father. Claudia Joy becomes angry that someone would attack her daughter, but Michael suggest that Claudia Joy not do anything that would compromise their reputations. Eventually, Lenore gets what she deserves while trying to harm Claudia Joy again. Frank finds out that he is being deployed, so Denise tries to convince him to visit Jeremy and not leave things the way they are. Frank eventually visits Jeremy, though Frank does not completely forgive Jeremy, he makes an effort to mend things with his son. Pamela gets offered a job at the post radio station. At first, she rejects the offer, but then decides to do the radio show so that she can express herself and so that other army wives can have someone to talk to. Roland admits to Joan that he had an affair while she was getting treatment. Joan, at first, is upset, but decides she wants to work on her marriage. Roland, on the other hand, says that he isn't happy in their marriage and ends up sleeping at a hotel instead of at home.
"Rules Of Engagement" Katherine Fugate Ben Younger August 19, 2007 12
When Roxy gets assaulted by a drunk at the bar Roland defends her, causing a fight and ends up in jail. Joan bails him out, but he still refuses to return home and work on their marriage together. Eventually, Joan tells Roland that this seems to be a divorce and Roland begins to seek a job in Chicago. During the fight Roxy gets hit in the eye, which makes Trevor worried and he asks her to find another job. Roxy wants to open up her own bar, but Trevor explains to her that as an army wife you never stay in one base for more than 2–3 years. This causes trouble between Trevor and Roxy. Chase returns and Pamela is more than excited. But when she goes on the radio and says how she and her husband consummated his return, Chase gets angry saying Pamela embarrassed him. Michael becomes the new Commander of the entire post, which means his family has to act very carefully as to not do anything controversial. Everyone seems to be handling it well, but suddenly Amanda is nowhere to be found. Michael and Claudia Joy conclude that she went to go see Jeremy.
"Goodbye Stranger" Katherine Fugate Ben Younger August 26, 2007 13
Amanda breaks up with Jeremy saying that she needs to think about school and since he is going away soon, it is better for them not to be together. When she gets home, she admits to her mother that she fears she is pregnant, and that's the reason why she broke up with Jeremy. Amanda takes the pregnancy test, with her mother by her side, and finds out she is not pregnant. On the other hand, Joan finds out she is pregnant. Roland accepts a job a Northwestern University and is ready to move to Chicago. Right before Roland leaves, Joan tells him she is pregnant and she doesn't know what she is going to do yet. She tells Roland that he still should move to Chicago. The army post becomes threatened by a terrorist attack when the post realizes that someone has been stealing weapons. Now that the post is not safe, many of the soldiers are being deployed as soon as possible. Trevor, Frank, and Chase are some of the soldiers being deployed. While this is all happening, Marilyn decides to leave her husband secretly. When her husband finds out he physically assaults her and she runs away from him. Amanda is ready to leave for college and Claudia Joy is going to accompany her to the bus stop. Claudia Joy makes a pit stop at the local bar when Roxy and Denise stop by to mourn their husbands deployment. Roland also stops at the bar when he notices the girls' cars outside. Suddenly, Marilyn's husband walks into the bar with a bomb strapped to himself. When Amanda notices something wrong, she too walks into the bar.

Season 2: (2008)

Title Directed by Written by Original Airdate Episode
"Would You Know My Name" Katherine Fugate Ben Younger June 8, 2008 1 / 14
Following the aftermath of the bombing at the Hump Bar, the wives struggle to put their lives back together. Pamela introduces her listeners to the details of tragedy and coping, Jeremy returns to post to be with Denise, Roxy secludes herself when she doesn't hear from Trevor after deploying and Claudia Joy has a dream that Amanda survived the bombing and is on her way to college. Meanwhile, Joan and Roland reconnect in the wake of the explosion, while Army CID (Criminal Investigative Division) makes the rounds to interview survivors of the bombing.
"Strangers In a Strange Land" C.M. Nau John T. Kretchmer June 15, 2008 2 / 15
Joan is angry at Roland for telling the wives about her pregnancy, and even after telling General Holden is struggling with whether or not to terminate the pregnancy. Pamela is frustrated by Chase's ongoing absence and secrecy due to his place in Delta Force. After Claudia Joy suffers a panic attack in the middle of the PX, she and Michael realize that they have to work through their anger at losing Amanda. Roxy fights to keep Betty in the army hospital when she is threatened with discharge, and manages to get her an extra week of care after which she will be moving in with Roxy and the boys.
"The Messenger" Katherine Fugate Ben Younger June 22, 2008 3 / 16
Finn develops a crush on Claudia Joy and asks her out on a date; Denise bonds with a wounded soldier named Mac; Chase tells Pamela and their kids that he has to leave on another mission. Betty informs Roxy that she hates kids because she could not have any of her own.
"Leaving The Tribe" Nick Thiel, Bruce Zimmerman Lloyd Ahern II June 29, 2008 4 / 17
Roland is offered a job as a high school counselor after he starts helping Emmalin with her pain and helping some of her friends; Denise makes a new friend after bonding with Doctor Getty over Motorcycles; Joan informs her troops of her pregnancy and joins pregnancy PT training. Betty goes back to the Hump bar for the first time since the explosion and decides to have Roxy help her with the rebuild. Frank doesn't like the fact that Denise is riding a motorcycle that a patient gave her. Roxy gets a call from Trevor informing her that he is coming home in a few days. Michael Holden considers retirement after the incident at the Hump bar.
"The Hero Returns" Katherine Fugate, Bruce Zimmerman Joanna Kerns July 6, 2008 5 / 18
Trevor returns home a hero but is conflicted; Frank, still in Iraq, puts Denise's bike up for sale without her permission because he becomes worried about Denise's newfound independence. Joan meets her replacement for when she goes on Maternity Leave. Trevor gets the Silver Star and decides to go on Pamela's radio show.
"Thicker Than Water" Tawnia McKiernan John E. Pogue July 13, 2008 6 / 19
Claudia Joy helps a soldier who is reluctant to deploy to Iraq; gossip spreads that Denise and Getti are having an affair; Betty learns her cancer is spreading and tells Roxy about a lifelong dream. Roland wants advice about becoming a dad. Pamela gets an offer for a weekend radio show in Atlanta
"Uncharted Territory" Stephen Gyllenhaal Cynthia J. Cohen July 20, 2008 7 / 20
The sex of Roland and Joan's baby is revealed. Roxy is given the task of rebuilding and reopening the Hump Bar. Pamela has suspicions of Chase's colleagues after a party shows they are living well beyond their means.
"Loyalties" Jeffrey Melman Rob Bragin (teleplay), Edgar Lyall & Kevin Maynard (story) July 27, 2008 8 / 21
Roland is accused of inappropriate behavior with one of his students; Roxy hires a new waitress and is sued when she fires her for flirting with her husband; Pamela is stunned when Chase is arrested. Roland and Joan ask Claudia Joy and the commander to be their baby girl's godparents.
"Casting Out the Net" Allison Liddi Bruce Zimmerman August 3, 2008 9 / 22
Denise reevaluates her relationship with Getti when she learns Frank is coming home on leave from Iraq; Roxy enrolls in Roland's class to obtain her GED; Pamela befriends a journalist who interviews her for the local newspaper.
"Duplicity" August 10, 2008 10 / 23
Joan is restricted to bed rest with pregnancy complications; Trevor is upset when his injury prevents his return to combat; Frank senses a change in Denise when he returns home from Iraq.
"Mothers and Wives" Chris Peppe John E. Pogue August 17, 2008 11 / 24
Claudia Joy's mother makes an unexpected visit; Roland counsels a lonely teenager whose father was recently killed in Iraq; Roxy panics before taking her GED test.
"Great Expectations" Peter Werner Barbara Hall September 7, 2008 12 / 25
Claudia's dad Randall drops by her house. Joan has a baby shower coming soon. Pamela may have to deal with a fan that goes too far.
"Safe Havens" Lloyd Ahern II Bruce Zimmerman September 14, 2008 13 / 26
Pamela becomes concerned when her stalker starts talking to her children. Roxy and Roland have a fight after Roland does something once he learns about Trevor's addiction. Jeremy is leaving for the first time. The Holden's get a visit from a guest.
"Payback" John T. Kretchmer John E. Pogue (teleplay), Lyla Oliver (story) September 21, 2008 14 / 27
Trevor has a minor accident. Frank and Denise decide to separate so that they can figure out how they can save their marriage. Frank heads back to Iraq. Denise needs to find a peaceful place to figure things out. Pamela comes face to face with the man who is stalking her. Trevor is awarded the silver star and comes to a decision about it.
"Thank You for Letting Me Share" Carl Lawrence Ludwig Margaret Oberman October 5, 2008 15 / 28
A new wife arrives on base and her competitive streak puts her at odds with Claudia Joy. Meanwhile, Roland and Joan are happy to have Roland's mother visit until she criticizes his parenting skills.
"Transitions" John Terlesky Tim O'Donnell October 12, 2008 16 / 29
A young wife whose husband is blind finds a friend in Denise; Joan and Roland search for a nanny; and Emmalin runs into her pen pal, Logan.
"All in the Family" Rob Spera Cynthia J. Cohen October 19, 2008 17 / 30
Roxy's mother comes back with a man on her arm; Joan and Roland leave their daughter with Claudia Joy and Michael for a date night; and Pamela works with Roxy at the bar to keep her mind off Chase.
"Departures, Arrivals" John T. Kretchmer Nick Thiel October 26, 2008 18 / 31
When Joan returns to work she and Roland realize how much parenthood has changed their lives. Meanwhile, things are looking good for Michael on the job, and Roxy's mother drops by.
"Last Minute Changes" Stephen Gyllenhaal Wendy Gillis November 2, 2008 19 / 32
The second season wraps up with the Holdens dealing with big changes. Meanwhile, Pamela wonders about her decision to marry into the Army; Betty's long-lost nephew arrives unexpectedly at the bar to see Roxy; and Roland must help a former patient.

Season 3: (2009)

Title Directed by Written by Original Airdate Episode
"The Best-Laid Plans" Katherine Fugate Ben Younger June 7, 2009 1 / 33
Roxy, Denise, Roland and Pamela offer their support to Claudia Joy and Michael, who are unable to leave for Brussels because of Emmalin's disappearance. Roxy struggles to take control of the bar away from Collin. Denise faces serious consequences as news of her affair spreads around the hospital. Overseas, Frank volunteers to lead a dangerous mission.
"About Face" Stephen Gyllenhaal Debra Fordham June 14, 2009 2 / 34
Denise tries to learn Frank's fate after his unit runs into trouble in Iraq. She turns to Claudia Joy for help, but her friend is busy reestablishing a home base after deciding to stay in town with Emmalin. Pamela decides to show new army wives what base life will be like for them.
"Moving Out" Kevin Dowling Karen Maser June 21, 2009 3 / 35
Claudia Joy house hunts as Emmalin's rebellious ways continue. Pamela is also on the lookout for a new place because her kids no longer want to share a room. Elsewhere, Roland is confronted by an outside therapist about the care available for soldiers and Trevor's career is jeopardized by a bad call he makes during a drill.
"Incoming" Chris Peppe James Stanley & Dianne Messina Stanley June 28, 2009 4 / 36
Roland gets a job offer. Claudia Joy tries to help Michael bridge the gap between him and Emmalin.
"Disengagement" Peter Werner Rebecca Dameron July 5, 2009 5 / 37
Roxy's hope for a grand reopening of the Hump bar doesn't go off without a hitch. Pamela is offered a coaching position on her son's football team. Joan wants to get her daughter, Sarah Elizabeth, christened before her deployment to Iraq. Chase comes home early from his current deployment, but finds the hardest part will be adjusting to life back home at Fort Marshall.
"Family Readiness" Lloyd Ahern II T.D. Mitchell July 12, 2009 6 / 38
Pamela, Roxy, and Claudia Joy help Joan get ready for her daughter's christening. Lucky the dog arrives at Fort Marshall, and Trevor takes it in, much to Roxy's chagrin. An Iraqi orphan gets help with a hand injury.
"Onward Christian Soldier" Carl Lawrence Ludwig Jennifer Schuur July 19, 2009 7 / 39
Pamela tries to get her son's coach to use the better ways to teach the team sportsmanship. Denise and Frank try to repair their marriage. Joan and Evan are pitted against one another in a war games exercise. Haneen is a guest of the Holden's while preparing for surgery.
"Post and Prejudice" Rob Spera Bruce Zimmerman July 26, 2009 8 / 40
Joan and Evan compete against each other in Fort Marshall's annual war games exercise. Haneen's surgery is a success. Frank and Denise continue to work on their relationship. Pamela gives a young army wife advice on starting her own business.
"Coming Home" Joanna Kerns James Stanley & Dianne Messina Stanley August 2, 2009 9 / 41
Roxy learns that Finn has been struggling in class and has him tested for a learning disability. Claudia Joy accompanies Haneen back to the Middle East to reunite her with her family. Michael and Emmalin spend time alone together in hopes of repairing their relationship.
"M.I.A." John T. Kretchmer Debra Fordham August 9, 2009 10 / 42
Pamela's excitement over Chase's upcoming return home is cut short when she loses her wallet, forcing her to spend the day frantically retracing her steps. Roxy is surprised when Stella Raye, a country music singer she adored growing up, comes to the bar looking for work. Joan struggles with her deployment as she comes to the realization that she will be missing many of her daughter's milestones.
"Operation: Tango" Lloyd Ahern II Karen Maser August 16, 2009 11 / 43
Claudia Joy and Denise find themselves serving as companions for the widow of a former senator, Mrs. Jean Calhoun (guest-star Kelly Bishop), who is visiting post for a ground-breaking ceremony. Roland finds a way to comfort Joan about her upcoming deployment. Roxy tries to impress the principal at an exclusive private school where she hopes Finn is accepted. Country star Jack Ingram performs at the Hump Bar.
"First Response" Glenn Kershaw Rebecca Dameron August 23, 2009 12 / 44
Claudia Joy and Denise get into a car accident on their way to a spa weekend. Routine tests from the accident lead to a shocking diagnosis for Claudia Joy. Finn enjoys his first day at his new school, leaving TJ feeling left out so Trevor takes him on a fishing trip for some father-son bonding time. In Iraq, Jeremy is reminded of the importance of life when a fellow soldier is harmed.
"Duty to Inform" Emile Levisetti T.D. Mitchell August 30, 2009 13 / 45
Michael and Emmalin are puzzled when Claudia Joy informs them that she does not want her friends or anyone on post to find out about her medical condition. Trevor begins his work as an army recruiter and finds the job is more challenging than he initially thought. Two weeks after Chase was expected to return home, Pamela begins to wonder why he hasn't gotten in touch with her. Demanding answers, Pamela camps out in front of the building where she believes Chase is being treated for injuries.
"Need To Know Basis" Allison Liddi Elizabeth Jacobs September 13, 2009 14 / 46
Pamela finally gets the answers she's been seeking about Chase's whereabouts. Denise begins EMT training in an attempt to find a new career in the medical field. Jeremy is involved in an unexpected shooting in Iraq that has lasting impact. Roxy comes to a decision about having a baby with Trevor. Michael gives Claudia Joy a present, a gold medical bracelet, but Claudia Joy doesn't like it at first.
"As Time Goes By..." Tom Verica Katherine Fugate & Bruce Zimmerman September 20, 2009 15 / 47
When Roxy and Pamela meet two older army wives, Elise (guest-star Lois Smith) and Virginia (guest-star Barbara Barrier), in a nursing home, they get a glimpse into Fort Marshall during WWII. Elise and Virginia share their stories and relive their experiences through flashbacks. Roxy and Pamela discover the parallel challenges that army wives have dealt with throughout the years, while also seeing how society has evolved culturally.
"Shrapnel and Alibis" Gloria Muzio James Stanley & Dianne Messina Stanley September 27, 2009 16 / 48
Consumed with guilt over the bombing in Iraq, Jeremy returns home. Joan says an emotional goodbye to Roland and Sarah Elizabeth. Pamela and Chase struggle to get along after she catches him in a lie. Trevor's hard work finally pays off as his first recruit is sworn in.
"Fire In The Hole" John Terlesky Debra Fordham October 4, 2009 17 / 49
Roxy, Denise, Pamela and Claudia Joy attend a golf tournament where they are confronted with both fierce opponents and Denise's competitive streak. Roland lands in hot water as he attempts to help a patient and Jeremy reunites with an old friend. In the mean time Michael receives bad news
"Fields of Fire" Rob Spera Katherine Fugate & Karen Maser October 11, 2009 18 / 50
Michael and Claudia Joy prepare for Michael's promotion ceremony. Pamela reaches a breaking point in her marriage. Roland struggles with his increase in both workload and parenting duties since Joan's deployment. Roxy stresses about the family's financial future. Jeremy continues to struggle with grieving and must deal with the consequences of his actions at the Hump Bar.

Season 4: (2010)

Title Directed by Written by Original Airdate Episode
"Collateral Damage" Allison Liddi Jeff Melvoin April 11, 2010 1 / 51
Frank and Denise cope with the aftermath of the shooting incident, and Roland receives upsetting news about Joan's health. Meanwhile, Pamela takes the kids on a last-minute vacation, and Claudia Joy is nominated for Army Spouse of the Year.
"Scars & Stripes" Rob Spera Debra Fordham April 18, 2010 2 / 52
Roland has to both worry about his daughter and figure out how he can support his wife, who is in Germany recovering from injuries. Denise and Frank still support their son as he deals with the death of his friend and fights for his own life. Trevor hopes that by had getting a second job the money worries will be alleviated. Roxy and Claudia Joy want the ban on allowing base personnel lifted at the Hump Bar.Roxy tells her friends that she's pregnant.
"Counterattack" Chris Peppe Bruce Zimmerman April 25, 2010 3 / 53
Lenore causes big trouble at a breakfast after hearing news that Emmalin was at a party on post where one of the girls was drinking. Terrence Price, now a fugitive, returns suddenly with a request for Roland. Finn and TJ finally learn they will soon have a brother or sister.
"Be All You Can Be" Kevin Dowling Karen Maser May 2, 2010 4 / 54
Claudia Joy runs into an old friend while visiting a college campus with Emmalin; Roland prepares for Sara Elizabeth's first birthday; Pamela weighs her options about divorcing Chase. Trevor has a recruit go AWOL.
"Guns & Roses" Emile Levisetti Karen Maser May 9, 2010 5 / 55
As Claudia Joy as begins preparations for the annual mother's day brunch, Michael gets a visit from his aunt Edie and the reason for the unexpected visit comes as a shock to both Michael and Claudia Joy. Roland plans a mother's day party for his wife and gets a surprise he didn't expect. Trevor has an awful time planning the perfect mother's day for Roxy. Guest appearance by Ann-Margret.
"Evasive Maneuvers" Melanie Mayron Rebecca Dameron May 16, 2010 6 / 56
Marisol Evans moves to Fort Marshall hiding a dangerous secret; rumors of suspected domestic violence began to surface and the army wives hope to underscore the importance of getting some help in an abusive relationship. In order to keep her mind off of Chase, Pamela and Claudia Joy help organize a USO concert. While still in Iraq, Joan does her best to keep morale high while the rebuilding of the schools continues. Guest appearance by Five for Fighting and Wynonna Judd
"Heavy Losses" Donna Deitch T.D. Mitchell May 23, 2010 7 / 57
Pamela isn't sure if she should believe Chase about the effort he is willing to put into their relationship in order to make it work. Claudia Joy begins taking steps to finish of her law degree and has an interview with the dean of admissions. When Roxy begins suffering complications in her pregnancy Trevor isn't sure where to go for help, so he seeks out Roland's guidance. After receiving a promotion to specialist Jeremy hopes that Denise will give him her blessing to enlist again.
"Over and Out" Carl Lawrence Ludwig James Stanley & Dianne Messina Stanley June 6, 2010 8 / 58
Joan is very anxious to return home after rebuilding schools in Iraq. She hopes to receive orders allowing her to rejoin the unit she commanded before she was injured. A broken leg could end Emmalin's dreams of being a professional hockey player. Pamela and Chase take steps to change something in their marriage after their children begin to sense that something is wrong. Denise gets some surprising news and has to tell Roxy.
"New Orders" Matia Karrell Bruce Zimmerman June 13, 2010 9 / 59
Roland plans a trip day trip to Savannah with Joan but when the babysitter backs out last minute Frank volunteers to watch Sarah Elizabeth. Pamela’s financial troubles come to a head when she visits the dentist and is informed that she needs a root canal. Trevor receives some unexpected news that he has to share with the family.
"Trial and Error" Gloria Muzio Debra Fordham June 20, 2010 10 / 60
An advocacy lawyer whose case against the army puts Claudia Joy and Michael in a place they'd never been before on different sides of the army. Now that Denise is expecting, Jeremy helps her with chores around his house. Pamela has a new job.
"Safety First" Joanna Kerns Bill Rinier June 27, 2010 11 / 61
Everyone on post is on high alert as Fort Marshall is on its 99th day without a fatality. Joan finally goes to the doctor and learns what is causing her symptoms. Denise is moved to dispatch duty at work and enlists Pamela’s help to locate a caller in trouble. Trevor proves his leadership skills and gains the trust of the new men under his command, including Jeremy.
"Change of Station" Rob Spera James Stanley & Dianne Messina Stanley July 11, 2010 12 / 62
Pamela has doubts about Chase's new female neighbor. When Emmalin gets disappointing news about the recovery of her knee, Michael steps in to help. TJ is having a rough time at home, so Trevor appoints him man of the house but the gesture backfires on the family. Unexpected orders come down from The Pentagon that affects everyone at Fort Marshall.
"Army Strong" John Terlesky Rebecca Dameron July 18, 2010 13 / 63
Denise and Frank learn the sex of their baby. Joan has difficulty accepting the fact that she has a traumatic brain injury and is unable to deploy with her unit. Pamela considers the possibility of dating again.
"AWOL" James Bruce Karen Maser July 25, 2010 14 / 64
An AWOL soldier is arrested after missing her deployment, and Grant Chandler (Harry Hamlin) takes on the case. Elsewhere Jeremy falls for a nurse in Afghanistan.
"Hearts and Minds" Glenn Kershaw Jennifer Schuur August 1, 2010 15 / 65
A very pregnant Denise stresses over Frank and Jeremy's absence; Joan's doctor allows her to spend a day alone with her daughter. Elsewhere, Emmalin prepares a video to submit to college coaches and Pamela tries speed dating.
"Mud, Sweat & Tears" John T. Kretchmer James Stanley & Diane Messina Stanley August 8, 2010 16 / 66
Dr. Jill Biden (as herself) visits the fort and discusses challenges face by military families with a deployed relative; Denise is caught in the middle when her sisters come to visit and bicker throughout the day and Trevor's unit runs into trouble.
"Murder in Charleston" Allison Liddi Bruce Zimmerman & T.D. Mitchell August 15, 2010 17 / 67
Pamela becomes involved in a murder case and is tasked with accompanying an out-of-town detecive (Gabrielle Union) around Charleston. Elsewhere, Michael informs Claudia Joy he won't be in contact for several days because of a mission.
"Forward March" Joanna Kerns Tanya Biank August 22, 2010 18 / 68
In the fourth season finale, Denise goes into labor while on the phone with Jeremy; Claudia Joy receives disturbing news as Emmalin prepares for graduation. Pamela reconsiders her future after a talk with Gina and Joan must make a life-altering decision.

Season 5: (2011)

Title Directed by Written by Original Airdate Episode
"Line of Departure" John T. Kretchmer Debra Fordham March 6, 2011 1 / 69
Denise has her hands full with her newborn baby, while getting ready to meet her future daughter-in-law. Claudia Joy prepares to send Emmalin off to college. Roxy is having problems with her preteen son, TJ. Pamela has to decide whether she’s going to stay with Chase or take the job with Atlanta PD, however something Boone says complicates her decision. Joan and Roland discuss the next step in their relationship.
"Command Presence" Carl Lawrence Ludwig Karen Maser March 13, 2011 2 / 70
Pamela makes a decision about her future. At Claudia Joy's law school graduation, Professor Chandler (guest-star Harry Hamlin) offers her a part time job working as an associate for his firm. An overworked Joan has trouble adjusting to her new job while Roland tries to figure out how he fits into her new schedule.
"Movement to Contact" John T. Kretchmer Rebecca Dameron March 20, 2011 3 / 71
Claudia Joy begins her first day working an associate to Professor Chandler in his law firm, but the day takes an unexpected turn when Claudia Joy is yelled at. Roxy feels that Pamela may not want to be friends with her anymore. Roland and Joan have to figure out where their daughter will go for preschool. A wedding shower is planned for Jeremy's fiancée Tanya.
"On Behalf of a Grateful Nation" John Terlesky T.J. Brady & Rasheed Newson March 27, 2011 4 / 72
The wives support each other as Denise and Frank deal with the loss of their son Jeremy.
"Soldier On" Rob Spera Bill Rinier April 3, 2011 5 / 73
The aftermath of the unexpected loss of Jeremy leads to life-changing decisions for the wives....and Roland. Pamela understands she's still in love with Chase and they decide to marry again.
"Walking Wounded" Chris Peppe James Stanley April 10, 2011 6 / 74
Claudia Joy copes with memories of Amanda; Roxy considers expanding her business; Pamela and Chase monitor their behavior in front of their kids; and Roland doubts his professional skills.
"Strategic Alliances" Melanie Mayron T.D. Mitchell April 17, 2011 7 / 75
Claudia Joy and Chandler try to help an Army wife who is being threatened with deportation; Roxy finds a way to cut costs and move forward with the truck stop; Roland and Joan offer to watch Molly when Denise comes down with the flu. Pamela and Chase get married at Hump Bar.
"Supporting Arms" Emile Levisetti Mary Leah Sutton May 1, 2011 8 / 76
Claudia Joy receives news good news about her tumor. Roxy and Pamela butt heads over Roxy's relationship with Witt. Roland and Joan talk further about whether she should have a baby the traditional way or if adoption would be the best way to go.
"Countermeasures" Debra Fordham James Bruce May 8, 2011 9 / 77
As the 23rd comes home to Fort Marshall Roxy finds herself in big trouble. With Trevor coming home she hopes to delay news of the truck stop as long as possible. When one of Roland's patients OD's, he and Joan decide to see if they could adopt her son, Bobby.
"Battle Buddies" Brian McNamara Tanya Biank May 15, 2011 10 / 78
Pamela and Claudia Joy try to get a homeless vet to tell the whole truth about what happened to her to help her get her life back on track. A hidden truth at the law firm makes for a stilted work atmosphere. Roland and Joan consider the true meaning of raising a child with special needs. Roxy and Trevor decide to face their fear of the truth together, or their marriage and their careers might be in jeopardy.
"Drop Zone" James Stanley May 22, 2011 11 / 79
Claudia Joy receives news of her Bar results, while Joan and Roland continue their journey into adopting David. The troops of the 23rd Airborne Division prepares for a night parachute jump, which sees events turn for the worse, which sees Denise realizes that she's ready to go back to nursing with a little help from Joan.
"Firefight" John Terlesky Rasheed Newson June 5, 2011 12 / 80
Emmalin and Michael's disagreement about their futures puts Claudia Joy in the middle. Meanwhile, Denise goes back to work, and Trevor thinks about attending Officer Candidate School. Chase is offered a job at management level (outside the army) in California which promises better pay than his current ones and Pamela's combined.
"Farewell To Arms" John T. Kretchmer Deb Fordham June 12, 2011 13 / 81
Claudia Joy has difficulty dealing with the way people are treating her and Michael; Joan finds it tough to bond with her adopted son, David; Roxy's truck stop nears completion; and Denise helps Tanya to cope with life without Jeremy. Michael reveals that the 23rd Airborne Division is being disbanded leaving Claudia Joy, Denise, Roxy, Pamela, and Roland nervous about what the future holds for them now.

Season 6: (2012)

Season 6 of Army Wives has no official premiere date as of yet, but will air in 2012.
